
The Onus is on the Bonus

Ludo and I have been brainstorming with the people at What The Flux Comics to put something a extra in the trade paperback for those of you who preorder. And though I can't tell you exactly what it will be (because Ludo hasn't drawn it yet), we've got a little extra bonus art which we will randomly be giving away.

Ludo is going to sketch out at least 2 new drawings, which we will randomly giving away at the end of June. At least one will go to someone who preordered through WTFC's website (http://whatthefluxcomics.com/webstore.php) and another will be given away to someone who purchases the book at SuperCon (the convention in Miami I will be at June 29th - July 2nd). To make it more likely that you'll receive something extra, What The Flux Comics is going to print a very limited number of these drawings and place them in every fifth book - either prerdered or purchased at SuperCon.

These giveaways are only available until June 20th on the website or at SuperCon. After that, the price goes up, the giveaways stop and if there are any remaining art prints, you're going to have to buy them.

Ludo and I want you to own our stuff. And we want you to pay as little as possible to do it. So jump aboard now, save a couple bucks and cross your fingers for free art.

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